A strong focus is laid on human-machine interface, usability, ergonomics, and safety.We use, for example, technologies of "mixed reality". This is the natural interaction between man and computer. Context related information is extended in the familiar environment, so that the digital world can be connected to the analog world (augmented reality).
Our “physical” and/or “software/content” products expected and focused for the near future are: Smart AR (augmented reality) wearable device; VR-based (virtual reality) drivers’ training system; Comprehensive vigilance level test; Immersive virtual robotics training system; Consultancy on HF (human factors) evaluation, mental workload, UI/UX (user interface/user experience) consideration, etc.
We own and apply our technology on our enormous products/services, such as: IoT (internet of things); Ergonomics; Product design and development; VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality); High-end display solutions; Psychophysics; HCI (human-computer-interaction); Technology and innovation management.